Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the voluntary choice made by an organisation that wants to combine the creation of value for shareholders with the creation of value for other stakeholders.
We at Circularity decided to base our start-up on the ‘shared value’ paradigm, including in our corporate purpose the concrete and measurable commitment to add to our profit objectives, the aim of having a positive impact on society and the environment, becoming a Benefit Company.
Circularity, as a Benefit Company, voluntarily pursues, in addition to its profit purpose, one or more common benefit purposes in the exercise of its business activity, understood as the pursuit of one or more positive effects on people, communities, territories and the environment, cultural and social goods and activities, bodies and associations and other stakeholders.
Ours is not just a declaration of intent: on a daily basis we act to help customers, suppliers, and employees grow in awareness of sustainable development by making our contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’S) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.
We contribute to this goal through internal and external education programmes. On the one hand, through the development and implementation of training plans on sustainability (human rights, transparency, sustainable working models, etc.); on the other hand, by introducing a human resources management model that provides for continuous training and learning opportunities to enhance employees’ skills.
Our most important resource is our people: we firmly believe that each employee is the true value of our start-up. We apply human resources development policies on a daily basis, aiming to create an environment where everyone can express their skills and creativity to the fullest.
At the heart of our model is innovation. As Asvis states in commenting on Goal 9, ‘Technological progress underpins efforts to achieve environment-related goals such as increased resources and energy efficiency. Without technology and innovation, there will be no industrialisation, and without industrialisation there will be no development.”
Our business is perfectly consistent with this approach: we have developed an innovative platform aimed at creating virtuous paths of industrial symbiosis and in turn promoting start-ups and innovators. Thanks to the development of new technologies from a circular perspective, it will be possible to accelerate the processes of integrating sustainability into the economic strategies and business models of companies.
Our core business is to support companies along a path of awareness acquisition. Our ultimate goal is to promote the conscious use of resources with a view to recovery, recycling and reuse of materials, optimising the use of virgin raw materials and reducing waste, thus contributing directly and indirectly to the achievement of goal 12.
Climate change is a key challenge in terms of sustainable development. We at Circularity, as a Benefit Corporation, integrate our corporate purpose with the aim of having a positive impact on society and supporting companies to measure and reduce their environmental impact by integrating climate change measures into industrial policies and strategies, with the aim of achieving Carbon Neutrality.