Re-think Circular Economy Forum is an international event that brings together some of the most relevant actors operating in the Circular Economy. The event has been crafted to present a vision on some key topics, but also to showcase some relevant projects ongoing.
Corporates, startups, research institutes, and other institutions will illustrate paths that might support the creation of innovative and entrepreneurial projects related to the Circular Economy, with the aim of generating a positive impact.
The event will be accessible online for everyone. Only speakers and main stakeholders will be at the event venue (the 27th of October at the Catholic University of Milan, and the 28th of October at Triennale Milano).
The focus will be on 4 main areas:
- Agri-food: agriculture 4.0, indoor and vertical farming, and new methods of food preservation and transportation;
- Cities: urban context organized in a circular way, focusing on smart cities, mobility, biocycles & waste, water and air;
- Materials: biomaterials, emerging practices in the reuse and regeneration of materials (organic and synthetic) and future trends in material science;
- Technologies: emerging technologies focusing on AI, IoT, blockchain, clean energy, storage, and digital applications for the Circular Economy
In each session there will be:
- 2 experts showing their vision on the topic and the main trends;
- 4-5 companies and startups showing their approach, business cases, and vision for the future.
Some of the companies and institutions confirmed as speakers are: Triennale Milano, ASviS, Fondazione Cariplo, Intesa (an IBM Company), Esselunga, Physee, European Commission, Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, Politecnico di Milano, Agrocares, Comune di Milano, A2A, OECD, CNR, Sympower, Small Revolution, Alisea, RiceHouse, Matrec, Università Cattolica, Enel X, Neoruralehub, Fili Pari, Novamont, Circle Economy, ARUP, Iren, Fondazione Pistoletto, Material Balance, Danone, EIT Food.
The detailed program of the 2 days can be found at the following link: Re-think Milan 2020.
The event will start on October 27th in the afternoon at 4.30 pm with the Agri-food session. The next day the event will start with the Cities session in the morning at 9.00 am, followed by a roundtable on the supporting ecosystem to the Circular Economy before lunch. In the afternoon there will be first the Materials session and later the Technologies session.
Partners of the event are: Fondazione Cariplo, Intesa (an IBM Company), Esselunga, Catholic University of Milan, Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Milan, Royal Danish Embassy in Italy, Phoenix Materials (by EPM), Teads, Novu, ALMED, ALTIS, Triennale Milano (hosting partner). The event has received the patronage from: European Commission, Fondazione Cariplo, Ministero dell’Ambiente e della tutela del Territorio e del Mare, ASviS, Comune di Milano, Camera di Commercio di Milano, Monza, Brianza e Lodi.
The media partner of the event is Prometeo of Adnkronos Group, supporting an increasingly circular economy.
The event will be completely in English. Once registered, you will receive (one week before the event) a link to access the event online.