Case history

Chef Express

Target: communication strategy


Declining sustainability in the corporate world means elaborating that set of processes necessary to change one’s corporate strategy, taking note and being fully aware of the environmental and social impact of one’s business, aiming at what are the long-term benefits obtainable from renewed corporate objectives directed towards sustainability. Private entities have been called upon for some time now, driven by programmatic and legislative initiatives, to mobilise themselves to respond to the growing attention to these issues. 

Chef Express, a company that is part of the Cremonini group, represents one of the largest Italian companies operating in the catering sector and, in particular, in travel contexts, with over 200 points of sale in railway stations, airports and motorway service areas. The company has expressed its interest in employing sustainability as an unavoidable premise necessary to face the change already underway within the market, and has also identified it as a tool to better respond to the expectations and needs of all stakeholders and, finally, to increase competitiveness and profitability in the long term.  

 Chef Express’s strategy is aimed first of all at drawing up its first sustainability report, a document that represents a reporting tool on the initiatives and results achieved in the economic, social, environmental and governance spheres, also acting as a valid means of communicating what has been achieved externally. Still in the area of communication, this initiative is intertwined with the project carried out on behalf of Chef Express by Circularity. 

 The project devised for the client responded to the request expressed concerning the opening of new communication channels that would make it possible to tell the story of the initiatives currently in place on the sustainability front, thus guaranteeing their enhancement through the engagement of its customers. 

The project devised for the client responded to the request expressed concerning the opening of new communication channels that would make it possible to tell the story of the initiatives currently in place on the sustainability front, thus guaranteeing their enhancement through the engagement of its customers.  

Specifically, Circularity, in concert with the Chef Express marketing department, supported the company in the drafting of a special communication plan (Link to our service articulated in 10 DEM (Direct Email Marketing), which would recount what the company has achieved in recent years.  

 The aim of the project was also to testify to the contribution made by Chef Express to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, a document identified as a reference for the drafting of the sustainability strategy adopted by the company.  

 The engagement of its customers, as also reiterated by the organisation itself, also passes through its website, which has increasingly become a true corporate identity card, through which it can demonstrate how sustainability is also a real pillar of its value asset.   

In response to these needs, Circularity has also supported the marketing department in the construction of the contents of the special section of the company website, with the intention of providing Chef Express with a further communication tool capable of systematising and conveying to its stakeholders, the commitment it has made to sustainability.  

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