“Ipsa scientia potestas est“, meaning “knowledge is power in itself” or more commonly “knowledge is power”. This phrase, attributed to the English philosopher Sir Francis Bacon, sums up the ultimate purpose of this project rather well.
The world of end-of-life materials and recovery chains follows its own economic logic and technical and regulatory rules. Moving from the view of waste as a problem to be solved to that of a resource to be valorised requires becoming familiar with this world, so as to be able to move with greater awareness.

- How can I optimise my waste management?
- What happens to the waste I produce after it leaves the boundaries of my company?
- Is the price I am charged for their collection consistent with their actual value?
- Which companies are actually able to recover my waste material and which ones just dispose of or exchange it?
- What are the possible circular supply chains that my waste can go through?
- How much of the waste I send for recycling is actually recovered?
- What environmental benefits are obtained on average by recycling my material?
- What is the regulatory framework in which I can move and which of my waste could be considered as by-products?
These were the questions that Monvania srl, a company specialising in the finishing of artificial and synthetic continuous yarns for the textile world, asked Circularity.
The resulting report identified 12 different companies interested in the effective recovery of Monvania’s waste. For each possible partner, an in-depth study was carried out:
The report was enriched with the necessary information of a regulatory nature (e.g. conditions for the potential qualification of a waste as a by-product) useful for the correct management of waste in compliance with current legislation.
In addition to this, an in-depth analysis was made of the company’s waste materials, delving into recyclate market quotations, price dynamics, value logic and main end markets; with an eye on future prospects and recycling solutions on the horizon.
To complete the picture provided, average values of the environmental impacts associated with the different materials processed by the company and the recyclability percentages of the different materials were given, in order to convey a greater awareness of the company’s positioning.