There is a lot of talk about the Circular Economy as a mode of economic development, but what does it really mean? Let’s find out in this course how to adopt its principles in industrial processes and how a circular economic model can enable sustainable growth.
Topics for this course
- play_circle 1/4 What is the Circular Economy schedule12:05
- play_circle 2/4 Basic Criteria and Principles schedule09:16
- play_circle 3/4 Tools schedule07:10
- play_circle 4/4 Everyday life schedule06:34

Environmental engineer specialising in sustainability, optimisation of waste management and treatment. Alberto has always been passionate about the environmental issues of our society and is an expert in Europlanning and development of environmental projects related to the Circular Economy. “I am convinced that the Circular Economy is the answer capable of conveying social progress and quality of life with the enhancement and protection of the environment.”

It is therefore necessary to rethink urban spaces in terms of sustainability and liveability.

Water is the basis of all life on Earth and is one of the main constituents of its ecosystems.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are humanity’s most ambitious plan for a better world.