
Applied circular economy

economia circolare
Abbiamo organizzato le imprese con cui collaboriamo in base al settore merceologico in cui operano. Scopri le aziende che sono diventate un esempio concreto di economia circolare.  


The circular economy is a new production and consumption model that aims to ensure sustainable growth over time. By definition, the circular economy promotes the optimisation of resources, the reduction of consumption of raw materials and the production of waste, recycling them or giving them a new lease of life to turn them into new products. It is about moving away from the classical linear economy, towards a circular one based on the principle of ‘closing the life cycle’ of products, services, waste, materials, water and energy.   

But what does applying its principles entail?  


We have organised the companies we work with according to the product sector in which they operate.  

Discover the best practices of how to apply circular economy principles.  

Circular economy examples: SOME CIRCULARITY PROJECTS     

Discover our sustainable business case studies and circular economy examples: the story of how we have co-created solutions to meet companies’ sustainability goals. Read more and contact us to start your journey.  

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